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Live With Intention & Create the Life You Dream Of

We're on a mission to support women entrepreneurs who are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. By providing resources and support, we're helping women create businesses that not only bring them financial freedom but also allow them to give back to their communities. We believe that together, we can create a better world, one business at a time.

“Good morning is not just a word, it's an action and a belief to live the entire day well. Morning is the time when you set the tone for the rest of the day. Set it right!” ~ Fain Blake.

You know you want more out of life, but you're not sure how to get there.

It's tough to make changes in your life, especially if you don't know where to start. You might feel like you're stuck in a rut and don't have control over your future.

Living with intention (or being mindful) can truly transform your life for the better. By setting clear goals and consciously making choices that align with your values, you can unlock your full potential and create a meaningful life filled with purpose.

We provide resources and tools so that you can create the life you want on your own terms. Whether you're looking to start your own business or just want to learn how to support your mental health, we can help.

Live a Healthier, Happier Life

We believe that taking care of your mental health is essential for overall happiness and success. Our collection of journals and planners is carefully crafted to provide you with a safe and nurturing space to express your thoughts, set goals, and practice self-care.

Start Your Dream Business

Every woman has a unique set of skills, talents, and experiences that can be used to create a successful business, and we are passionate about empowering all women to do just that.

That's why we offer an ever-growing range of products, memberships, mentorship, or networking opportunities - we're committed to providing the support that women need to succeed.

Make a Positive Impact

We believe that no experience in life should go to waste. There is a reason we go through things, and I personally believe it is so we can use that knowledge to help others when they are going through similar situations.

We are dedicated to helping women achieve their entrepreneurial dreams, and we strive to empower them to use their skills to create meaningful change. By leveraging our collective strengths, we can work together to build stronger, more vibrant communities that benefit everyone.

We create products and resources to help you on your journey to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Products for You


Journals to help you navigate your life in a more intentional way.

Mindset/Mental Health

Journals, Planners and Worksheets to help you with your mental health.

Products for Kids

These products are designed for your kids. Worksheets, journals, planners and wall art.


Printable and Digital Planners

PLR - Sell As Your Own

These are products you can brand as your own & re-sell.

Products for Your Business

Whether you want to start a business or you already have a business, these products are for you.

Product Mockup Templates

Product Mockups so you can display your products on social media, Etsy, email marketing, and your website.

Ultimate Photography Business Template bundle

Tools For Business

Full Business Toolkits to help you get started quickly - for any industry.

Commercial Use Clipart Membership

Clipart Membership where you get Fresh Clipart Every Week to use in your products.


Spreadsheets to help keep your life and business organized.

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Hello friend! My name is Calie, and I'm a professional organizer, certified life coach, and content creator. I am passionate about supporting women on their entrepreneurial journey to create purposeful businesses that can not only transform their lives but the lives of their clients. 

My mission is to provide affordable products that can help take your business to the next level. Thank you for considering me as a partner in your journey! xx